Friday, February 12, 2010

Welcome to the Cookie Carnival's New Home!

I'm happy to announce that the Cookie Carnival has found a new home here at Tami's Kitchen Table Talk!

Let's get baking again!  Please take a minute to review the FAQs below as there have been some changes in the emailing information that you will need to participate.

I look forward to meeting and talking with all of the Cookie Carnival regulars, as well as, the newbies that will be joining in on the fun!

I am going to offer a cookie for February for those who would like to bake it with me. Be on the lookout sometime today for an email from me containing that recipe. (Kate was kind enough to pass along the current email list)

I realize that there's only a couple of weeks left to bake this one, so please don't feel pressured into baking it if you don't have the time. We'll start March off with different cookie. 

If you have any questions or comments, don't hesitate to email me:  

I'm always open to suggestions. This is my first time hosting an event like this so please bear with me if I make mistakes along the way. 

If you've made it this far through this post, I hope that I've peaked your interest enough to join us in baking some wonderful cookies!

Thanks, Kate, for having the faith in me to pass along the reigns! I hope that you will join us whenever you are able to!


Cookie Carnival FAQs

HOW do I join up?

Send an email to yinzerfan{AT}gmail{DOT}com, please put "cookie carnival" in the subject line. and I'll email you the recipe of the month.

When do you post the round-up?
Good question. Whenever I can get to it! I ask for the links and photos to be sent to me by a certain date (usually the last or second to last day of the month) my intention is to get the post up in the following day or 2.

How will I know the round-up is up?
I will send you an email with the link.

What do I have to do to be included in the round-up?
Easy. Just send me an email by the appointed date including a link to your post (not to your blog, but a direct link to your post). that's all!

Will you post a photo of my cookies?

YES! In order to have a photo up as part of the round-up, all you have to do is attach one to your email that includes the link to your post. Your photo MUST meet the following criteria in order to be posted:

A. it must be titled with your blog name. example: tamiskitchentabletalk.jpg
B. it must be no larger than a width of 205.

If your photo meets these criteria, I'll post it. Please understand that it's very time consuming to put the round-up together. This will ensure that I can do the work more quickly!

When/how will I find out the new recipe for the month?
I will email it to you sometime in the first week of the month.

Do I have to participate every month?

NO! This blog event is open in that way. You can participate or not. It's up to you! Just make sure you get me a link to your post when you DO participate, so we can all see how you did! Ilove to have people participate as much as possible, but we're all busy, so we do what we can!

How do I opt out?

Just send me an email telling me to remove you from the list.

Can I submit a recipe for consideration?
Heck yeah! Just email me the recipe and I'll toss it in the pot. Sometimes I'll decide a recipe by a vote as well.

Sound like fun? I hope so! Let the cookie baking and mouth watering begin!


I've had a few people email me to ask "Can I join the Cookie Carnival without having a blog?"

YES!  You can join the Cookie Carnival if you follow these rules:

Please email me to let me know that you would like to join. I will add you to the email list so that you will start receiving the recipes each month. At this time please let me know that you will be participating via email.

1. You must email me one picture of your cookies - no bigger than 50 x 50, please.

2. Please include a sentence or two about yourself - ex: your name and where you live

3. Please include a comment about the cookies - good or bad or just a thought pertaining to the cookies.

4. Please let me know if you followed the recipe as written or if you made changes - and if you did, what changes did you make? I will post those changes, too.


Candi said...

I can't wait! :)

Katy said...

Yay! I'm excited the Cookie Carnival found a new home! :)

Tami said...

Welcome! Thanks for your support!

kate said...

looks great, tami! best of luck! and i'll totally participate now and again, too.

Anonymous said...

Great! Thanks for giving the cookie carnival a new home!

Unknown said...

I can't wait to talk to all of you and get to know you better! :)

Tessa said...

Thanks for continuing the carnival! Looking forward to the cookies ahead!

Tia said...

I would love to join... I'm going to email you right now :)

Anonymous said...


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