About Me - Contact Me

Welcome to my kitchen table! Pull up a chair ...let's talk!

My name is Tami ~ I'm happily married to Bill and a busy Mom to 2 kids who are 8 and 13.

I'm from Pa. and my heart will always remain there. For now, we make our home in NC. Life with the airlines keeps you guessing as to where you might land. I feel it's most important to "bloom where you are planted".

I decided to use "Tami's Kitchen Table Talk" as a way to share some of my recipes, recipes of my old friends and recipes of new friends that I'm meeting along the way!

I love meeting new people! I hope that you will take a few minutes to stop by and say "hi".

Drop me at note at any time at:  yinzerfan[AT]gmail[DOT]com

If you want to contact me regarding my blog or the Cookie Carnival, please email me at: tamiskitchentabletalk {AT} gmail {DOT} com. 

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