Who am I?
I am married to a wonderful guy named Bill. We've been married almost 12 yrs.
I'm Mom to Andy & Alexis.
I'm also a kids & family recipe creator/writer for FamilyCorner.com and MomsMenu.com. I love my job! I'm also the assistant administrator for the forums on FC and MM.
I am from southwestern PA; my hubby is from Upstate NY. His job brought us together in PA and then brought us as a family to NC.
I love spending time with my family. One of our favorite things to do is to hop in the car and drive to an area around us that is new to us and then explore it. We also love to eat--sounds funny, huh? I'm not kidding....we love trying new foods, strange foods and making our own creations at home. -see why I have the perfect job? ;)
When you stop here to check things out, make sure to say "hi"! I love meeting and talking to people from all over the world.
Hi Tammi, welcome to the world of blogging! I've added you to my "favorites" so I'll visit often :)
Thanks for stopping by my site, and I love your pumpkin cake ball idea!
Hi Tammi I have never been a blogger and don't think I ever will be but do enjoy reading others. I love your Apple Biscuits, Patti
Hi Tami! *waves*
Can't wait to read more that you put in your blog!
Barb, I balked at the idea of blogging for such a long time. I really didn't realize how much fun it would be. :) Thank you for adding me to your favorites! You're on my list, too!
Monroe, I enjoyed your site. Thanks for the comment on the cake balls, they are so much fun to make! It's a challenge to make a new combination before anyone else thinks of it. lol!! I hope that you stop by to visit again soon. :)
Hi Patti! Thanks for stopping by to visit. :)
I'm happy to hear that you enjoy the apple pie biscuits. We really like them, too! The cherry-filled biscuits are my favs.
Hi Amber! I'm so happy that you stopped by to say "hi"! You have a great blog! I'll be adding more to my blog as the days go by. I need more hours in each day..KWIM? Stop back in soon to visit! :)
What a wonderful blog! I am from NC and now live in Southwestern PA.Man,how I miss home.I have bookmarked your blog and look forward to many great recipes.God Bless.
Hi Elizabeth! I will gladly switch places with you! I miss home, too! I'm glad that you like my blog. I hope that you will stop by to visit often! :)
WE live in the Pittsburgh area.My husband is actually from PA,so yes,we are HUGE Steelers fans.I gre up in Cary NC and went to college at ECU.And I will gladly trade spaces with ya! I amnot used to the winters up north yet! LOL!
I miss the snow so much! I also miss going to the Strip on Sat. mornings and taking our kids to Station Square. My daughter was almost 2 when we moved here (she's 5 1/2 now) and really doesn't remember playing in the snow!
I'm from Beaver County. My kids and I are huge Steelers fans, too. What a game last night, huh? My husband is from Upstate NY and is the oddball out being a Jets fan--but we still love him and allow him to watch the football games as long as the Jets aren't playing at the same time the Steelers are. ROFL!! ;) He says that they can keep the snow up there!
I haven't been to Cary, yet. We live near Charlotte.
Have a great week!
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