Monday, May 16, 2011

May Secret Recipe Club: Strawberry Mascarpone Ice Cream

It's strawberry time here in NC. When I decided to participate in this month's Secret Recipe Club, I was hoping that my secret blogging buddy would have a strawberry recipe on her/his blog that would draw me in and convince me to make it.

I was in luck! I was matched up with Ruchi @ Ruchi's Simply Food. She has a delicious recipe for Strawberry Mascarpone Ice Cream that I just had to try. Her ice cream recipe has just a handful of ingredients and she made it into a no churn recipe.

I made a few changes to the recipe, plus I used my ice cream maker to make it smooth and cold. I did need to convert her recipe amounts. Once I converted the amounts, I rounded everything up for ease and also so that I didn't have bits of everything left over. The results were delicious. A thick and creamy strawberry ice cream that my whole family loved. Excellent in a dish or a cone!

You can view her original recipe here.

Here's my version:

Strawberry Mascarpone Ice Cream

14 ounces strawberry, diced into small chunks
1/2 c. powdered sugar
2 tbsp lemon juice
8 ounces homemade mascarpone cheese* - recipe below
8 ounces heavy cream
1/2 c. powdered sugar - I added this to make the cream a bit sweeter

Mix chopped berries, powdered sugar and lemon juice together and set aside.

Using a hand mixer, mix together Mascarpone cheese* and heavy cream.

Mix in extra 1/2 c. of powdered sugar.

Mix in strawberries.

Pour mixture into the frozen bowl of an ice cream maker.

Process according to manufacture's directions until ice cream is thick and creamy.

Serve in bowls or ice cream cones or freeze until ready to eat.The consistency will change from smooth and creamy to a hard ice cream texture if frozen. It is delicious either way.

To make homemade Mascarpone Cheese:

8 ounces cream cheese
1/4 c. heavy cream
2 1/2 tbsp. sour cream

Mix together until smooth and creamy

If you would like to join us in the Secret Recipe Club, here's what you need to know.

Enjoy our blog hop! Comments are welcomed!

Linking to:

It's Berry Season! Gooseberry Patch

To see more recipes made by members of The Secret Recipe Club visit the links below!


Megan's Cookin' said...

Tami, that ice cream looks divine!!! I LOVE mascarpone and need to try to make it myself. It's so expensive at the store but the ingredients to make look so affordable. Now I'm drooling.

It's strawberry season here too. I just put the ice cream tub in the freezer just in case! ;)

Ruchi M said...

That looks great! Love your blog!


Jennfier (Savor) said...

Thrilled to have taken part in SRC with you and discovered new blogs!

Lisa said...

Mmm, I've been seeing so many wonderful strawberry recipes lately and yours ice cream looks just as good. It's so creamy and delicious, perfect for the coming summer months.

Barb Szyszkiewicz said...

I don't have an ice-cream maker so I love that this one is no-churn. Thanks for the mascarpone recipe. This looks fabulous!

Anne-Marie @ This Mama Cooks! said...

Mascarpone in ice cream. Oh my goodness! What a decadent treat!

Sara said...

This ice cream looks SO tasty! I love the idea of using mascarpone cheese - YUM. :)

Shumaila said...

The ice cream looks so good! And love the idea of homemade mascarpone! Great pick for the SRC! Bookmarked the recipe!

Kristen said...

I cannot wait to try this. My family loves strawberry ice cream, but I have never made it at home. Time to fix that!!

Fallon said...

This sounds so good! Strawberry ice cream was one of my favorite flavors growing up.The mascarpone adds a nice "adult" touch!

Jeanette said...

What a fun recipe to try as part of this Secret Recipe Club! Love strawberries too!

Tessa said...

Oooh... we've been into making strawberry recipes around here too. This looks great - and ice cream recipes are always perfect here in AZ :)

Amanda said...

Oh wow Tami that looks amazing! I have been wanting to make strawberry ice cream for some time and this really has me craving it now. So glad you played along!

Unknown said...

That ice cream looks delicious, Tami! I love strawberry anything, really need to try this one. Bookmarked :)

Winnie said...

This is so beautiful and looks REALLY great...I've made strawberry creme fraiche ice cream before and I imagine this is very similarly delicious...

Anne @ Quick and Easy Cheap and Healthy said...

Wow, that looks like amazing ice cream. Can't wait until I'm eating dairy again!

Heather Davis said...

That looks soooo good!! Checking out everyone's posts for the secret recipe club is making my mouth water and I've already had dinner. Will definitely have to try this.

Cooking Rookie said...

Beautiful dessert! One of those recipes that make me wish for an ice cream maker :-)

Katrina said...

Wow, that looks and sounds so good! How fun that you were hoping for something strawberry and found it!

Delishhh said...

Do different - i am a fanatic when it comes to ice cream, but with mascarpone - sounds soo good. Nice work!

Deeba PAB said...

DELIGHTFUL! What a great great pick Tami...that ice cream is a winner! I love it when you reach a blog and find exactly what you have in mind!

Theresa said...

In the summer I use my ice cream regularly. I just made some banana last night. I will have to try your strawberry it sounds delicious.


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