
Wednesday, August 4, 2010

Cookie Carnival - July Round Up!

Can you believe that it's August already? I have no idea where the last couple of months have gone.

July's cookie recipes were Pillsbury's Oatmeal Raisin Cookies for our kids' baking recipe and Rosemary-Cheese Spritz Cookies from the Food Network for our regular monthly cookie.

Take a look at these beauties:

Tiffany@The Bake-Off Flunkie made the cheese spritz cookies. She said "My first reaction was, "Ewwww!". But when I looked at the picture and recipe I decided it actually looked and sounded promising. Maybe even tasty. And tasty they were; delicious, rich, buttery, and irresistible are other words I'd use. As they cooled I popped one after another in my mouth--you know, just. one. more. Gracious they were good. I absolutely couldn't leave them alone."

Michelle@Something New is Cooking made the oatmeal raisin cookies. She said "The cookies were so delicious! Hard to stay out of them!"

Katrina@Baking and Boys made both cookies!

For the oatmeal raisin cookies, she said "These were the perfect thickness, crispiness, chewiness and had great taste.  I will for sure make this recipe again—over and over."

For the cheese spritz cookies, she renamed hers "Thyme-Cheese Crackers". Be sure to check out her blog to read about the changes that she made and why she calls them addictive.

Rebecca@beurrista made the oatmeal raisin cookies. She switched out the raisins for toffee bits in her oatmeal toffee cookies.

Juliana@horneAndo Algo made the cheese spritz crackers. She said "Perfect for a snack or just a few mates in the morning, they saw their fate on two occasions ... simply delicious!"

Krista@TheSwans made the oatmeal raisin fact, lots of times! Check out her blog to read why she didn't have a picture of her cookies to submit this month. (**wink**)

Vivian@Let's Try These made oatmeal craisin cookies. She's a newbie with the Cookie Carnival and says "I like challenges as they tend to motivate me!" - welcome, Vivian! 

and I made chocolate covered raisins and oatmeal cookies. These cookies didn't last long in our house! Everyone loved the added chocolate on the raisins.  

Thanks for a beautiful round up, ladies! 

I love to hearing from everyone so if you're checking everything out, I'd really appreciate it if you would take a couple of minutes to stop by and post a comment!  

If you would like to join the Cookie Carnival, click on the tab at the top of the page that's titled "Join the Cookie Carnival!" 

I'll see ya at the end of August, if not sooner! 

Happy Baking!


  1. Lots of yummy pictures.

    I love what you did using chocolate covered raisins! I'll have to try that sometime.

  2. Great round-up. Love what each person has done to her cookies.

  3. Thanks for keeping Cookie Carnival going! This summer has been crazy busy but I will "join in" again this fall. Great round-up!

  4. Everything looks delicious... I didn't join in on this one, because I was afraid no one in my house would eat those rosemary cheese cookies except me. And that wouldn't be the best thing...

    I do hope to join in for the August roundup. Thanks for sending me the link. The coconut cherry bars look yummy!

  5. Great job! Sorry I didn't get around to it this month! I like your polka dots and new header, Tami!

    P.S. I like the kid's option added for the cookie challenge:)

  6. Great round up and I'd just like one of each!

  7. just found your blog and am enjoying it :)
