
Monday, September 14, 2009

Menu Plan Monday

I'm going to try something new. I've decided to join everyone for Menu Plan Monday at I'm an Organizing Junkie.

Sticking to a menu plan has never been easy for me. By posting my menu for everyone to see, maybe it will help me to stick to it this time.

With the flu kicking our butts here at home, I figure that if I can at least get dinner on the table every night, I'll be doing ok.

Here's my first menu plan:

Monday: chili
Tuesday: corned beef, potatoes & carrots
Wednesday: Amish fried chicken, fried noodles and corn
Thursday: crockpot pork chops & gravy over rice w/ green beans
Friday: tacos & Spanish rice

Check out other menus at Menu Plan Monday.


  1. Hope everyone is feeling better! No chicken soup for all those flu germs?

  2. It's funny that you mention chicken soup... I asked everyone if they would like for me to make soup but everyone said "no" that that they weren't in the mood for it. Everyone seems to still have an appetite, just no energy.

  3. Menu looks good Tami.I have bben neglecting my blog but hopefully will be inspired to catch up on it soon.I have such a backlog of recipes to post it's daunting just thinking about it.How is NC? I'm missing it as usual.But on the other hand,fall is beginning here in PA and I am getting ready for all the festivals up here.Hope you and yours are doing well.Talk to you soon.

  4. Such a good idea! I've been seeing Jane over at This Week for Dinner do that for a while... I wish I could do it, but my weeks are too random and crazy!

