
Thursday, March 5, 2009

Thrifty Thursdays thrift shop finds - cookbooks!

Amanda from Amanda's Cookin is hosting Thrifty Thursdays!

I LOVE cookbooks! I love to sit and read them just like a novel. During a recent search through a local thrift store, I found these cookbooks:

They are all in excellent condition. The best part is that I picked them all up for under $5.00! Yes, there's quite a variety there, but I plan on putting all of them to use sooner or later.

Want more great Thrifty Thursday news?

I was given a large food processor from a very nice lady in my local FreeCycle group. I had one before we made the move to NC, but I FreeCycled it while I was cleaning out before the move.

That's it for me today!

If you would like to read more thrifty tips, take a look at what others have to say....

Join in on the fun and share your thrifty tips, too!


  1. Tami- I do the same thing, I love to find cookbooks at both thift stores and at garage sales. I even hit library book fairs. Amazing what you can find!Great finds for you!!

  2. Suddenly I wish there was a Goodwill open . . . I'm so picky that I can't afford to pay more than a few bucks for a cookbook where I'll only use a few recipes at most!

  3. Oh, I'm like you! I love collecting cookbooks and have done so for many years. I find my greatest and cheapest and local library book sales. They are also in such good condition. Just love this blog! blessings,Kathleen
