
Tuesday, March 31, 2009

Cookie Carnival - Inside Out Carrot Cake Cookies

I couldn't decide whether or not I was going to bake this month's cookie selection because I was afraid that I would be the only one in my family who would eat them. I've stared at the recipe the entire month and finally today I decided to make them. I'm really glad that I did.

Even though my cookies seemed to have flattened out more than the others I've seen, they were still really good. My husband started eating them while they were still cooling on the racks.

I had to stop him from eating some of them so that I could try them with the cream cheese filling.

Which version did we like better - the plain carrot cake cookies or carrot cake cookies with cream cheese and honey filling?

The verdict:
My husband and I both liked the plain cookies much better. Neither of us were crazy about the cream cheese filling. We both thought that the cookies were plenty sweet enough without it.

I'm really not sure what caused my cookies to flatten out so much. The only change that I made was to sub more raisins for the nuts. Oh well, at the rate he is eating them, they won't last long anyway!

You can view the recipe for the March Cookie Carnival here.

If you would like to join us in the Cookie Carnival, you can sign up here.

I'm looking forward to seeing what April brings! :)


  1. I would probably eat more carrot cake if it didn't have the nuts! I don't care much for cream cheese icing or filling!

    However Tami...these look delicious!!!

  2. Thanks! I was really surprised that they tasted so good because they were so flat. lol

    I was even more surprised that my husband liked them as much as he did.

    Try them! They are simple to make. :)

  3. They look delish!

    Mine were flatter than I expected too.

  4. They look wonderful! Mine spread and got flat, too. But they still tasted great, and that's all that matters!

  5. Ditto on the spreading! I had a few casualties that never made it to the sandwich stage. Still yummy, though.

  6. Wow, these look great! So perfect looking!
