
Sunday, January 4, 2009

Good Luck Pork & Sauerkraut

Do you eat a particular food or meal on New Year's Day that is said to bring good luck if eaten on this day? For as long as I can remember, my Mom always cooked some type of pork and sauerkraut together. I try to carry on the tradition for me - my family won't touch sauerkraut!

Eating pork sauerkraut on New Year’s is an old Pennsylvania Dutch tradition that is said to bring good luck. The pork and sauerkraut is served together, with the sauerkraut representing luck (the cabbage leaves are said to resemble dollar bills) and the pig representing rooting into the New Year.

Since my family won't eat the pork if it's cooked together with the sauerkraut, I cooked the pork roast in a crockpot with a little apple juice and a bit of ground cloves until I could shred it with a fork - on high, I cooked it for 5 hours.

In another small crockpot, I added 1 can of sauerkraut, along with 3 TBSP of brown sugar. I cooked it on low while the pork was cooking. While looking around on the 'net, I found this sauerkraut website. Granted, it's not for everyone but if you like sauerkraut, check it out. :)

Once the pork was done cooking, I shredded the whole thing and then added some of it to the sauerkraut to cook for another 1/2 hr to blend the flavors. The rest of the shredded pork went into gravy, which I served over egg noodles for the rest of the family.

Happy 2009!


  1. Wow - I didn't know sauerkraut could bring good luck. I may have to rethink it!

  2. I don't know if it works or not..but who am I to buck tradition?!? I can use all of the luck that I can get. lol!

  3. I hope you saved me some! I LOVE pork and sauerkraut in the crock pot. Talk about comfrot food. But I haven't had it in years because my family can't stand anything with vinegar. I can hear the whining now. The smell would make them scream. Poor me!

  4. Next time you make sauerkraut, add some bacon and onions. YUM.

  5. Almost the same concept that I did back home, but not here in the south. Hubby wants hoppin-johns, collards, and hogjaw. I can stand the hogjaw, but that's it.
    We always did pork, sauerkraut (or other cabbage), something else, and cornbread. Almost the same just a little different ingredients.

    Yours looks yummy though! Hubby didn't like sauerkraut until I met him and now he wants it quite often.

  6. That's my northern upbringing coming out of me. I can't handle a lot of the southern foods for New Year's Eve. I'm not sure what hogjaw is but I'm pretty sure that I wouldn't touch it by the sound of it. ;) I've never had collard greens so I can't that I wouldn't eat them. Hoppin-johns is black-eyed peas, isn't it? I'm ok with those. ;)
