
Tuesday, December 2, 2008

Tuesdays with Dorie ~ Linzer Sables

Noskos of Living the Life chose Linzer Sables as this week's Tuesdays With Dorie recipe.

In my opinion, this cookie was just ok, nothing special. I had no problems following the recipe the way it was written, although I only had to bake my cookies 6 1/2 minutes. I chose a raspberry preserves as the filling for these cookies. I really didn't like the taste of the cookies with the cinnamon & cloves mixed with the raspberry filling. Perhaps another filling or even different ground nuts (I used walnuts) would've made them taste better to me.

Anyway, here they are:


  1. Maybe chocolate would have been more to your taste? They look wonderful though!

  2. I think these cookies were more pretty and less tasty. Give me a drop cookie anyday!
    Your's look gorgeous, though.

  3. Engineer Baker, I think that they would've been much better with some sort of chocolate in them. Thanks for your nice comments!

    Pinkstripes, I agree, they are much more pretty than they are tasty. I'm with you on a good ol' drop cookie! Thanks for the nice comments about them, though. :)

  4. They weren't my favorite either.

    Yours sure look cute, though.

  5. I wasn't crazy about the flavor either. They sure are beautiful though!!

  6. your cookies look great! I used Walnuts in mine as well. I am going ot make them again using Nutella as a filling!

  7. Thanks Ladies!

    Danielle, I'm sure that Nutella would taste much better in them. Let me know if you like it when you make them again.
