
Thursday, September 18, 2008

Sniffles Candy Hose Noses

Can you think of anything more disgusting than licking the drippings from your nose? My husband couldn't resist buying these candy-filled noses for our kids. The are gross! They kids were good sports and allowed me to take their pictures. If you look closely at the first picture you will see the jelly dripping from the nose into my sons' mouth. YUCK!


  1. Tami, that is absolutely DISGUSTING. I'd bet a lot of money that only GUYS buy these. Probably a guy invented it.

  2. I agree - it's definitely a MAN thing! At least they could've made the "jelly" a decent flavor. lol! My son said that it was sort of a sour apple flavor. I couldn't even bring myself to taste it. BLAH!

  3. OMG What will they think of next?!?!
